In today’s conversation, we’re joined by Elisa Cascade, Chief Product Officer at Advarra, to explore the intricate intersections of clinical research technology, patient-centricity, and data security in clinical research. As we journey through, Elisa shares insights about Advarra’s strategic vision, the evolving role of clinical trial sites, and the imperatives of data security in this rapidly advancing age. Join us on this enlightening expedition as we decode the next chapter of clinical research.

Moe Alsumidaie: Elisa, Advarra’s journey from its origins in the IRB domain to its current technological strides is commendable. Could you shed some light on how Advarra envisions its future in this evolving landscape?

Elisa Cascade: At Advarra, we’re continually evolving. Our roots in the IRB domain have provided a strong foundation, but we’re now expanding our horizons. We focus on integrating technology into every facet of clinical research, creating a cohesive ecosystem that synergizes all stakeholders, from research sites to sponsors, and, most importantly, the patients.

Elisa Cascade, Chief Product Officer at Advarra

Moe Alsumidaie: Given the fusion of technology in clinical trials, how is Advarra positioning itself at the vanguard of this transformation?

Elisa Cascade: Advarra is unwavering in its commitment to lead the technological transformation in clinical trials. Platforms like Longboat exemplify our dedication. We’re integrating clinical research technology and redefining the clinical trial experience. Our investments in clinical research technology aim to enhance the efficiency of research sites, ensure seamless sponsor collaborations, and, most crucially, elevate the patient journey in clinical trials. Longboat is designed to offer a holistic solution, redefining patient engagement from the ground up. It ensures patients have a seamless journey, from onboarding to ongoing, and even post-study communications. For research sites, it streamlines tasks, making their roles more effective. Longboat is not just a platform; it’s our vision for the future of clinical trials.

Moe Alsumidaie: Communication is a vital facet of successful clinical trial execution. How is Advarra ensuring that the lines of communication remain open and efficient across all stakeholders?

Elisa Cascade: Indeed, communication is paramount. We’re nurturing a connected ecosystem where every stakeholder can communicate seamlessly, whether a patient, a research site, or a sponsor. Our platforms, backed by robust technological infrastructure, facilitate transparent and efficient communication. For us, it’s about relaying information, building trust, and fostering collaborative partnerships.

Moe Alsumidaie: Data is the key element of clinical research. How is Advarra addressing the dual challenges of effective data management and compliance with international standards?

Elisa Cascade: Handling the deluge of data in clinical research is a challenge we’re actively addressing. Our platforms incorporate advanced data analytics tools, ensuring data is collected and transformed into actionable insights. Equally important is data security and compliance. We’re unwavering in our commitment to uphold global data protection standards, ensuring every data byte remains inviolate.

Moe Alsumidaie: The industry is abuzz with decentralized clinical trials. How is Advarra recalibrating its platforms and strategies to align with this new paradigm?

Elisa Cascade: Decentralized trials are reshaping clinical research, and Advarra is at the forefront of this revolution. We’re tailoring our platforms to cater to the unique demands of decentralized trials. From facilitating remote patient interactions to offering virtual training modules for research sites, we’re ensuring that our platforms are not just compatible but are leaders in this new era of research.

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Moe Alsumidaie is Chief Editor of The Clinical Trial Vanguard. Moe holds decades of experience in the clinical trials industry. Moe also serves as Head of Research at CliniBiz and Chief Data Scientist at Annex Clinical Corporation.