Polo-like kinases (PLKs) are key players in cellular processes like cell cycle regulation and DNA damage response. Their dysregulation in various diseases, particularly cancer, makes them promising therapeutic targets.
The global PLK targeted therapies market is nascent but rapidly evolving, with several pharmaceutical companies investing in research. These therapies aim to inhibit PLKs, leading to cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in cancer cells.
Emerging evidence also implicates PLKs in immune function and inflammation, suggesting potential applications in autoimmune diseases. Additionally, PLKs are involved in viral replication, hinting at antiviral effects of PLK inhibitors.
Small molecule inhibitors of PLKs are at the forefront of development, with Onvansertib being the most advanced in clinical trials for small cell lung cancer. Other candidates like RP-1664 and BAL0891 are being explored for solid tumors, while CFI-400945 targets hematological cancers.
Beyond small molecule inhibitors, antisense oligonucleotides and PROTACs are being investigated as alternative PLK targeting strategies. While challenges exist in their clinical implementation, ongoing research continues to refine these approaches.
The growing interest and confidence in PLK targeted therapies stem from their potential to treat a wide range of diseases, including cancer and autoimmune disorders. As research progresses, the pipeline of PLK inhibitors and other therapeutic modalities is expected to expand, opening new avenues for patient care.
Jon Napitupulu is Director of Media Relations at The Clinical Trial Vanguard. Ferry, a computer data scientist, focuses on the latest clinical trial industry news and trends.